木驼铃 发表于 2016-10-25 12:41

Motion Capture Libraries

3个动作捕捉资源包,总动作文件数量超过5000个There are three motion capture libraries in this torrent

1. Carnegie-Mellon University Graphics Lab Motion Capture Library
   Notes: these are over 2500+ .bvh motion captures.
   These ones have been converted to .bvh for faster and easier use with Autodesk MotionBuilder.
   Also every bvh file has a T-pose added as its first frame
2. Motion Capture Society Library
   Notes: These are over 900+ .trc motion captures.
3. Monster Bones Mega Motions Library
   Notes: These are over 2.400+ high quality .bvh motion captures.
   Meaning they have a proper naming scheme used on all of the mocaps and
   also they are all rigged based on the TrueBone skeleton

These files can be used with packages like 3ds max, maya or endorphin. I have also included the bvhacker and the bvhplayer for quick browsing of the mocaps (the first is an editor/player while the 2nd one is just a player)

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