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Houdini 14新功能抢先看 Houdini 14是一款电影特效合成制作软件。SideFX软件发布了一些Houdini 14制作的效果及将要发布的新功能,Houdini 14已计划在2015年1月发布。最令人印象深刻的特性之一是新的基于位置的动力学解算器,可以处理复杂的动态效果等一些令人惊异的砂效果,和柔软的物体模拟。 Houdini 14发布的一些主要新功能。 Houdini 14 是一个新项目环境设置内容目录对你所有的资产,新的动画层编辑器。Houdini 14将新的自定义Python PySide和PyQT面板,选择一个新的工作流包含预选强调和群体选择。 Houdini 14也有基于OpenVDB梳理工具为基础的艺术家,新的人群工具可以与液体相互作用和影响,有限状态机,包装代理和硬件加速的代理可以在呈现时变形。Houdini 14释放定于2015年1月15日。
Houdini 官方更新说明:
Feature List:
- Fast and accurate
- Easier access to selection modes
- Pre-selection highlighting
- Intuitive/visual group visualization and selection
- Group name preservation in modelling operations
- Persistent selection cooking - preserved after SOP cooking
- Ability to trigger selection by pressing button next to the Group input field of any SOP
- Brand new, intuitive edge-loop algorithm
- New handle for Box, Grid and Sphere Tools
- Per-component highlighting
- Context-sensitive cursor
- Improved resizing heuristics
- Indirect dragging with middle mouse
- Improved viewport HUD interaction
- Python panels (PySide and PyQt)
- International keyboard support (eg German, Japanese, Icelandic) for notes and text fields
- Collapsible parameter folders
- WebKit support
New Assets Menu:
- Create Digital Asset from Selection - automatically creates subnet for you
- New Lock/Unlock/Save options
- .hda [Houdini Digital Asset] replaces .otl [Operator Type Library] file extension
- Quick Access to Orbolt
Create And Set Project Menu:
- New Create and Set Project menu items on the File menu
- File > Set Project defines $JOB for file referencing
Learning Through Statistics:
- Versatile data collection and querying engine
- Built upon mySQL and Django
- Gives feedback on how Houdini is used to Side Effects
- Studios can direct feedback to internal server
- Customizable by studios
- Available freely on github
- Performance: 3-10x faster playback
- Fast and accurate snapping
- Full OS X support (Open GL 3)
- Higher quality geometry display in 3D and 2D viewports
Data Visualization:
- Powerful new visualization architecture:
- Supports all attribute types
- Global, per scene and per node
- Stored as spare parameters
- HDA and render-hook friendly
- HOM scriptable
- Flexible filtering capabilities
- Option to place favourites on toolbar
- Replaces existing custom display of attributes
- Intended to replace Guides framework
- Ad-hoc geometry and attribute visualization (Group-List widget in the viewport):
- Inspect groups, attributes, connectivity
- Define scope with filter expressions
- Available in selection mode or as regular display option
- Simulation visualization: coloured bar on the playbar indicates cooked/cached simulation frames
New Color Picker:
- Added Color Wheel to the Color Editor.
- LMB acts an absolute color picker based on the on screen position.
- Holding one of the 'T' 'M' 'I', 'H' 'S' 'V' and 'R' 'G' 'B' keys down while clicking on the wheel locks down the values of some of the sliders.
- RMB acts as a virtual relative slider on the HSV value component.
- Holding one of the TMI, HSV or RGB keys while RMB down gives a virtual sliders on the individual sliders.
- MMB is like RMB, but with more precise control.
- RMB or MMB without any keys tweaks the HSV value component.
- Also: color picking from images
- Added Temperature sliders the Color Editor.
- The new set of sliders is called TMI for temperature, magenta and intensity
- Also: kelvin temperature picker with real-world presets
UV Generaton:
- Powerful UV Flatten & Layout tool
- Ideal UV relaxation via least-squares
- Includes udim support
- Distortion visualization in UV and 3D viewports
- Optimal island layout algorithm
- Interactive workflow
- UV Flatten tool
- Fast point and vertex (boundary) selection
- “Pin” handles for UV tweaking
- Able to re-flatten existing UV’s
- New pelting options in the Pelt SOP
- High Res Checkered background in UV viewport and UV Quickshade
Point Scattering:
- Re-architected Scatter SOP - handles all hard cases, including concave surfaces
- Scatter in texture space for consistent points
- Spray Painting tool to scatter and orient geometry fast
Surfaces And Solids:
- A much more powerful version of Triangulate 2D (brand new design)
- New Solidify SOP to turn any polygonal set (with defects, etc) into a perfect solid
- very useful for tetrahedralization before applying FEM solver
Inputs And Outputs:
- Ability to delay-load packed primitives
- New BLOSC compression for geo files (.sc extension)- 3-10 times faster than gzip
- New Output SOP similar to the one in DOPs
- Enables worry-free clicking Display flags inside the network
- Overrides Display/Render flags outside the network
- For the first time, you can set up multiple outputs from SOP subnets
Animation Editor:
- Redesigned and renamed
- Higher-quality curve display
- Auto-slope
- Ghosted curves
- Context menus & hotkeys
- Channel color options
Animation Layers:
- New, dedicated CHOPs for fully procedural control
- Simple, intuitive GUI
Character Picker:
- Custom python pane
- Lets animators work free from viewport nulls
- Bone, capture region and null display optimizations: 10-12x
- Improved FK/FBX performance: 6.5x
- Faster Alembic playback: 3x
- Faster mocap playback: 7x
- Faster character deformation: 3x
- Faster CHOP cooking
- New, simpler toon rig - Fast Biped: 10-20x faster
Crowds use a new, very compact packed primitive type called “packed agent” that both Houdini and Mantra handle efficiently. Other useful features include terrain adaptation, look-at’s, a rich set of steering tools, crowd solver, interaction with DOPs, a starter mocap library of useful motion, sample agents, sample scene setups such as stadium crowds, and more. Crowd Creation And Layout:
- New, efficient “packed agent” primitive type natively supported throughout Houdini, including the 3D viewport and mantra
- Enhanced FBX import of rigs and geometry
- Convenient shelf tools to bake agent motion and populate terrain with agents
- Ability to paint density of agents on terrain
- Easy creation of agent formations from geometry shapes
- Fast instancing in the viewport and in Mantra
- Fast, real-time display of large (20K agent) crowds
- Multiple display options for agents (points, packed prims, rigs, capture regions, etc)
- Adaptive LOD display
- Camera frustum culling
- GPU-accelerated deformations
- Visualization of arbitrary agent information
- Efficient mantra procedural with material overrides via new Material Stylesheets
Crowd Solver:
- DOP-based with designated state, trigger and transition nodes
- Allows transparent interaction of agents with dynamics environment: RBD, fluids and sand
- Efficient collision detection (using new collision-layer concept)
- Intelligent collision avoidance with other agents and with obstacles
- Terrain adaptation
- Look-at support
- Follow-path support
- Rich set of steering behaviours
- Flexible CHOP-based tools for motion blending
- Highly suitable for the simulation of large crowd sets in typical scenarios
- Easily extendable by artists thanks to open HDA implementation
- Stadium and street crowds examples on the tool shelf
- Bgeo, FBX and Alembic output
- Efficient mantra procedural with material overrides via new Material Stylesheets
- Arnold procedural (in the works by Solid Angle)
Grains/Sand Solver:
- Position-based dynamics (PBD)
- Implemented 100% in VEX: fast, inherently multithreaded, eminently parallelizable
- Built into DOPs as particle nodes, thus able to interact with all dynamic elements and forces
- Unique friction model
- Completely art-directable
- Wet & dry sand support as well as support for solids, sheets and strands (the inexpensive and fast equivalent of FEM soft bodies, cloth and respectively wires; see the “granular” tools on the shelf and the new Point Deform SOP)
- OpenCL acceleration 5-10x
- Faster particle collision (5x) thanks to OpenVDB 3.0
Bullet Solver:
- Up to 10-20x faster
- Multi-threaded collision detection
- Faster handling of initially overlapping objects
- Faster computation of convex hulls
- Unique BVH computation
- New RBD Grains tool for sand-like simulation
- RBD Grains work with all the existing Bullet constraints.
Finite Elements (FEM):
- 10-15x lower memory footprint
- better performance
- Cheaper (per substep) fracturing
- New collision algorithm
- Better fracture behaviour
- More forgiving tet-mesh construction
- Self-collision optimizations underway
- Speed and memory optimizations
- Cloth tearing feature restored
- Excellent collision behaviour with deforming geometry
- Faster (~5x) and higher-quality viscosity calculations — now uses OpenCL
- Reliable handling of extreme scales (oceans vs fishbowls)
- Smoother fluid volumes & surfaces resulting in cleaner look without loss of detail
- Much improved whitewater: volumetric foam and the ability to simulate in a distributed fashion using artist-friendly shelf tools
- Greater scalability and faster spray collisions via OpenVDB 3.0
Pyro FX:
- Gas Curve Force tool similar to the Particle Curve Force
- allows smoke and fire to be attracted among curve
Particles (POPs):
- Easier collision workflow
- New “cling” behaviour
- Greater scalability and faster collisions via OpenVDB 3.0
- Ability to drive crowds
Dynamics Architecture:
- DOP cache indicator on playbar
- Intelligent partially-evicted caching
- New DOP Output node
- Playback-only DOP networks
- New BLOSC compression for sim files (.sc extension) that is 3-10 times faster than gzip compression.
Grooming Tools:
- Based on OpenVDB fields (for hair creation) and Stroke SOP
- Operates on hair guides
- Fully procedural and artist controllable
- Works in conjunction with existing fur tools
- Tools include: hair creation, cutting, extending, randomizing, lifting, combing, etc
- Ability to plant hair roots at specific (eg for whiskers)
- Ability to push hair roots with brush
- Ability to comb and extend hair simultaneously
- Ability to transfer groom between geometries
- All grooming tools allow mirroring for efficient grooming performance
- Tools work both in screen space and character space
- Automatic handling of collision with skin
- Numerous performance enhancements
- Dynamic tearing
- Improved hair model with additional parameters exposed for complete artistic control
- Much faster direct rendering of hair and fur with mantra: > 5x
- Radically faster fur and hair rendering
- GGX lighting model support
- Separate controls for direct/indirect rays (and other per-component sampling controls)
- Procedural caching in IPR
- Significantly lower startup times
- Optimized BVH construction
- Improved pixel filtering and noise controls in general
- Support for HDA procedural rendering
- Option to render points as spheres very efficiently (faster, much less memory)
- More verbose mantra output
- Artist friendly labelling of mantra ROP parameters (“angle” becomes “roughness”, etc)
- Redesigned mantra ROP for simplicity and discoverability
- Enhanced mantra shader model
- Resolved ray-traced SSS issues
- The maximum render size for Houdini Apprentice has been raised to 1280x720
- Better documentation and example, including a very visual mantra user guide
Inputs And Outputs:
- Efficient loading of packed primitives (ability to delay load packed primitives: see File SOP and Crowds)
- Many Alembic I/O enhancements (eg. SOP round-tripping, user-properties, visibility info, etc)
- New BLOSC compression for ifd files (.sc extension) that is 3-10 times faster than gzip compression.
Material Stylesheets:
- New language/framework to allow hierarchical overrides of material/render properties on a component and sub-component basis
- The de-facto standard for crowd material assignment
- Intended to ultimately replace existing Material Overrides
- Expanded support for structs and classes
- Native vector2 and matrix2 types
- Slicing notation: "hello there"[3:4] == "lo"
- Array support: sort, slice, reverse, find, append, etc
- CVEX support for array binding
- String support: [], chr, ord, slice, split, append, etc
- Group support: pcfind, xyzdist (similar to Soft’s pointLocator), etc
- Continued back-end optimizations
- new VOPs for array and string VEX functions