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Building Generator v0.5 is out!!!建筑物生成器.05版横空出世!

[脚本] Building Generator v0.5 is out!!!建筑物生成器.05版横空出世!

20087 48 0 5 15年前 举报

"Well that's nice, what are the new features?"

I'm glad you asked....Because it has TONS of new features! It's practically become a whole new script.

So here's the list!:

-The UI has been almost completely re-designed. Click this image link to see what it looks like:


All detail settings now exist in a modular Settings Window, organized by tabs at the top.

-A Wall Layer Manager and a Door Layer Manager have been added, allowing per-floor/per-wall controls for doors and windows.

With older versions of Building Generator, the settings you chose for your building were applied on every floor and every side of the building. Now with the new version, you can create layers which contain settings that apply to only certain floors. Also, within each layer is a per-wall control, allowing you to specify which wall of the building the settings will be applied to. This feature makes it easy to optimize buildings, if you don't want details created on every side.

The layer manager works by reading your layers from bottom to top, and using the top-most settings for each specific wall/floor. This makes it easy to define overall settings and then create layers tweaking specific details on specific floors. There are also controls for copying or removing layers, and shifting layers up and down in the stack.

The door layer manager works similar to the wall layer manager...the main difference is that doors are only created on the first floor, while windows and other details can be created on any floor. The door layer manager allows you to control which side(s) of the buildings you want your door(s) on, as well as what position along the wall you'd like the door to appear.

-The Wall/Door Layer managers now have the ability to create DOZENS of new object types and details for your buildings. These include, but are not limited to:

-Multiple window/door types
-Window/door covers, with a choice of several different cover types
-Window Ledges
-Window Frames
-Window Security Bars
-Window Shutters
-Wall Pillars
-Redesigned Balconies
-Wall Siding
-Wall Lamps
-Door stairs

...and more!

By mixing and matching all of these different details on your walls you can create hundreds of different building designs. And, combined with the layer manager which allows for different types of details on different floors of your buildings, this gives you the ability to create a practically limitless variety of architectural designs.

This is a MASSIVE update to the script that required a complete re-write of the core architecture. To put it in perspective, the ENTIRE building generator script of version .45 was about 5,000 lines long. .....Now, in version .5, the window/door layer managers ALONE consist of over 11,000 lines of code

Here are some examples of the types of wall-setting configurations you can make with the new system:

-The Wall/Door Layer managers have INTERACTIVE PREVIEW WINDOWS that allow you to SEE what your design will look like, before you actually generate the building!

This is where I think the new script really shines. In the old version of Building Generator, you just had to guess what your settings would be and then generate the building. Now, you can actually see what your designs will be like in the setup stage, using the preview functions! Also, if you click your left/right mouse buttons in the preview window, you can swivel around the model in the preview window and change the position of the light source.

Previews can be updated manually, or automatically as you tweak settings. Below is a screenshot showing what the preview window looks like in action:

-A brand new LEDGE CONTOUR system has been implemented, allowing you to actually DRAW the contour of ledges, within the Building Generator UI! In past versions....all ledges were basically just extended cubes. In this version however, you can get results like this:

-The MaterialID settings have been completely re-vamped, and the material creation system has been re hauled.

Instead of having one MatID per object type, I've now made it so that each "substance" of the building (brick, metal, concrete, etc) constitutes a group of MatIDs, and each object type can be custom-assigned to each substance group. This allows for greater control over MatID assignments, and can help in the material randomization process.

When you load Building Generator, every object type will already be assigned proper MatIDs, but you can change these as you wish, by selecting your object type on the left, and then highlighting all of the MatIDs that you want it to be corresponded to on the right. Obviously, each object can only have 1 MatID assigned to it....so if you choose multiple MatIDs on the right column, a random one from that group you choose will be assigned to the object type. Since each MatID can also be assigned a random map from a list of texture files (this hasn't changed since the last version), this allows for much greater variety of texture variation between objects...as well as more specific/custom MatID assignments.

-A "Lock 1st floor to 1 layer" option has been added to the "Main Structure" settings, allowing you to create a building with multiple layers per floor, while maintaining only 1 layer for the ground floor. This prevents the ground floor layer looking "stretched" when the rest of the building has multiple layers per floor.

-A Preset Manager has been added, allowing you to save, load, and apply preset files for buildings. You can also load in all the preset files found in a folder at once using the "load folder" button, and quickly update the currently selected preset file with whatever changes you make in the settings window, using the "overwrite selected" function. The preset manager is handy, in that you can keep multiple presets loaded in the listbox, and quickly switch back and forth between them. A preset isn't immediately applied to the settings window once it's imported....first the user must either double-click it in the list, or click "apply selected" to apply all of the settings within the preset file to the Building Generator. This allows you to import multiple presets without automatically changing the settings in the settings window immediately. This brings us to our next feature....

-In the Path Settings, an option to "Get random base structure from preset manager" has been added. This is useful for defining the specific types of buildings that you'd like to scatter along your path. To use this, just load in a bunch of preset files into the preset manager, turn the "Get random base structure from preset manager" setting on, and during each iteration of the script once it's run, the path generator will grab the settings from a random preset in the list will and will use them to define the building structure, as well as the building details. So....using this feature you could do something like: create 3 different building types, load them in as presets, and then during path generation those building presets will be used to define how all of the buildings that are generated will look.

This feature can be compounded with the "random values", "random B/I" and "Random L" features to keep things looking randomized, while still maintaining overall building shape as defined by the presets.

-The buildings can now be automatically turned into MR Proxies! This feature is only available in max 2009 and above, since older versions of max do not support MR proxy creation.

-There is now a "Make Object Layers" function, that allows all building details and object to be automatically grouped into proper layers in the max layer manager! This really helps to organize things after you generate a building. The new version of Building Generator will literally be generating thousands of details and objects once all of the detail settings are activated, meaning having the ability to keep objects organized in max's layer system is essential.

-A growth system has been added, allowing for the automatic animation of a building "growing" into place. I mentioned this earlier in this thread, when I was announcing up-coming features....and now you can try it out!

Example animation:


-You can now conform the Z-Position of buildings, or the height of buildings, or both, using the "Conform height to surface" and "Conform position to surface" settings in the Path Settings subrollout! This makes it easy to generate buildings over a terrain with variation in its height, or specify the heights of buildings using a surface.

For example, here's a shot of a setup using a plane to specify building height:

And here's the result:

-A new roof type has been added, as well as the ability to make eaves-troughs/drains extending down from the roof on a per-wall basis. The new roof type gives a different look to the top of buildings, and can be tapered along the X or Y axis, or both.

-Path PREVIEW PROXIES now accurately represent the position and scale of buildings that will be generated on the path.....even if values are set to be randomized or quick-build is on. This was not available in past versions.

-Random values for most settings are now determined by SEED spinners. This makes it easy to control the "random" distribution of values that are accompanied by seed values. The most notable advantage is the fact that because the path generation settings now have a seed spinner, you can generate and then re-generate buildings along a path with the "randomize" settings turned on, but still see predictable results based on the seed you choose.

-Lots of bugs have been fixed, as reported to me by everyone that gave me feedback from the last version. The script *should* work without errors in French versions of 3d Studio max now as well! Thanks to everyone who sent me error reports! Please continue to do so if you have problems with the latest version of the script, and I'll try to fix them asap.

-The texture pack has been updated with a few new textures for some of the new object types. Be sure to grab it by clicking the link within the material settings of the script, or by clicking here:


Some things that have changed since the last version, that aren't new features:

-There's no longer an option to create air conditioners for windows. This is probably temporary and will be added back in for future versions.

-Right now there's no option to change the percentage of balconies that appear in a wall layer that has the balcony settings turned on. This will be temporary until I figure out how I'm going to implement a random/patterned distribution algorithm for objects like that

-Certain options, like "Randomize Values" and "Default Values" that were found in old versions (which allowed you to randomize all building values or reset them), have been removed, due to the complexity of implementing something like that with the new wall/door layer managers. This is probably temporary.

Anyways........let me know if you have problems with the script, otherwise....ENJOY! and look forward to the new features that will be added in future versions as I continue to develop it. Suggestions are always welcome, and I still have a list of things I plan to add for future releases, as sent to me by you guys in this thread and by other people through email.



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我很高兴你问....因为它有新功能的 TONS 它实际上成为一个全新的脚本。所以这里是列表!: - UI几乎完全重新设计。点击此图片链接查看它的外观:http : //tysonibele.com/Main/Building...ngGen_08_02.jpg 所有细节设置现在存在于模块化设置窗口中,按顶部的选项卡组织。- 添加了墙层管理器和门层管理器,允许门窗的每层/每墙控制。 对于旧版本的建筑发电机,您为建筑物选择的设置已应用于建筑物的每一层和每一侧。现在使用新版本,您可以创建包含仅适用于某些楼层的设置的图层。另外,每一层都是一个墙壁控制,允许您指定将要应用设置的建筑物的墙壁。如果您不想在每一方都创建细节,这个功能可以轻松优化建筑物。 层层管理者通过从底部到顶部读取图层,并使用每个特定墙/底层的最顶层设置。这样可以轻松地定义整体设置,然后创建层次调整特定楼层的具体细节。还有用于复制或删除图层的控件,以及堆叠中上下移动图层。 门层经理的工作方式类似于墙层管理员,主要区别是门只在一楼创建,而窗户和其他细节可以在任何楼层上创建。门层管理器允许您控制您想要的门的哪一侧,以及您希望门出现在墙上的位置。 - 墙/门层管理员现在有能力为您的建筑物创建新的物体类型和细节的DOZENS。这些措施包括,但不限于: -多窗口/门类型 -window /门套,有几个不同的覆盖类型的选择 -window壁架 -window框架 -window安全栏 -window百叶窗 -Wall支柱 -Redesigned阳台 -Wall屋面 -Wall灯 -门楼梯 ...等等! 通过混合和匹配墙上所有这些不同的细节,您可以创建数百种不同的建筑设计。而且,与层管理器相结合,允许您在建筑物不同楼层的不同类型的细节,这使您能够创建几乎无限多样的建筑设计。 这是脚本的一个大型更新,需要对核心架构进行完整的重写。为了把它放在角度,版本为.45的ENTIRE建筑生成器脚本长约5000行。.....现在,在版本.5中,窗口/门层管理器ALONE由超过11,000行代码组成 以下是可以使用新系统进行的墙设置配置的一些示例: - 墙/门层管理者具有交互式预览窗口,您可以在实际生成建筑物之前查看您的设计样式。 这是我认为新剧本真的闪耀的地方。在旧版本的Building Generator中,您只需要猜测您的设置,然后生成该建筑物。现在,您可以使用预览功能在设置阶段中看到您的设计将如何。此外,如果您在预览窗口中单击左/右鼠标按钮,您可以在预览窗口中旋转模型,并更改光源的位置。 预览可以手动更新,或者在您调整设置时自动更新。下面是一个屏幕截图,显示预览窗口的行动方式: - 一个全新的LEDGE CONTOUR系统已经实现,允许您在Building Generator UI中实际绘制凸缘轮廓!在过去的版本....所有的壁架基本上只是扩展立方体。然而,在此版本中,您可以得到如下结果: - MaterialID设置已被完全重新设计,并且材料创建系统被重新调用。 而不是每个对象类型有一个MatID,我现在已经做出了这样一个建筑物(砖,金属,混凝土等)的每个“实质”构成一组MatID,并且每个对象类型可以自定义分配给每个物质组 这允许更好地控制MatID分配,并且可以帮助材料随机化过程。 当您加载Building Generator时,每个对象类型都将被分配适当的MatID,但是您可以根据需要更改这些对象,通过选择左侧的对象类型,然后突出显示要将其对应的所有MatID正确的。显然,每个对象只能有1个MatID分配给它....所以如果你选择多个MatIDs在右列,你选择的组中随机的一个将被分配给对象类型。由于每个MatID也可以从纹理文件列表中分配一个随机映射(自从最后一个版本以来没有改变),这允许对象之间更多种类的纹理变化以及更具体/定制的MatID分配。-A“锁定1层至1层”选项已添加到“主结构”设置中,允许您创建一个楼层多层,同时仅维护底层1层。当建筑物的其余部分每层有多层时,这可以防止地面层看起来“拉伸”。 - 添加了一个预设管理器,允许您保存,加载和应用预设文件。您还可以使用“加载文件夹”按钮一次性加载文件夹中的所有预设文件,并使用“覆盖所选”功能在设置窗口中进行的任何更改快速更新当前选定的预设文件。预设管理器很方便,您可以在列表框中保存多个预设,并在它们之间快速切换。一旦输入了设置窗口,预设就不会立即应用到设置窗口中。首先,用户必须在列表中双击它,或单击“应用选择”将预设文件中的所有设置应用于建筑物发电机。这允许您导入多个预设,而不会立即自动更改设置窗口中的设置。这给我们带来了我们的下一个功能.... - 在路径设置中,添加了“从预设管理器获取随机基本结构”的选项。这对于定义要沿着路径分散的建筑物的特定类型很有用。要使用它,只需将一堆预设文件加载到预设管理器中,转动“从预设管理器获取随机基本结构”设置,并在运行脚本的每次迭代期间,路径生成器将抓取设置列表中的随机预设将会使用它们来定义建筑结构以及建筑细节。所以....使用这个功能,你可以做一些类似的事情:创建3种不同的建筑类型,加载它们作为预设,然后在路径生成期间,这些建筑预设将用于定义生成的所有建筑物将如何看待。 该特征可以与“随机值”,“随机B / I”和“随机L”特征复合,以使物体随机化,同时仍保持由预设定义的整体建筑形状。 - 现在,建筑物可以自动变成MR代理!此功能仅在2009年及以上版本中可用,因为较早版本的max不支持MR代理创建。 - 现在有一个“Make Object Layers”功能,可以让所有的构建细节和对象在最大层管理器中自动分组到正确的层中!这真的有助于在您生成建筑物后组织事情。一旦所有的细节设置被激活,新版本的Building Generator将会生成数千个细节和对象,这意味着有能力将对象组织在最大层系统中是必不可少的。- 增加了一个增长系统,允许自动动画制作“成长”到位。我刚才在这个主题中提到过,当我宣布推出新功能时,现在你可以尝试一下! 示例动画:http : //tysonibele.com/Main/Building...ngGen_05_03.gif - 您现在可以使用“Conform height to surface”来符合建筑物的Z位置,或建筑物的高度,或两者兼容路径设置子扩展中的“符合表面位置”设置!这使得在高度变化的地形上生成建筑物变得容易,或者指定使用表面的建筑物的高度。 例如,以下是使用飞机指定建筑物高度的设置:这样做 的结果是:添加了新的屋顶类型,以及从屋顶向下延伸的檐槽/排水沟的能力每墙基础。新屋顶类型对建筑物顶部有不同的外观,可以沿X或Y轴或两者锥形。-Path PREVIEW PROXIES现在可以准确地表示将在路径上生成的建筑物的位置和规模..... 即使值被设置为随机化或快速构建。这在以前的版本中不可用。大多数设置的-Random值现在由SEED旋转器确定。这使得容易控制伴随着种子值的值的“随机”分布。最显着的优点在于,由于路径生成设置现在具有种子旋转器,因此您可以生成并沿路径重新生成建筑物,并启用“随机化”设置,但仍可根据种子查看可预测的结果选择。大多数的bug已经被修复了,大家给我的反馈给我的最后一个版本。脚本*应该在法语版本的3d Studio max中无错误地工作!感谢所有发送给我的错误报告!如果您在最新版本的脚本中遇到问题,请继续执行此操作,我将尝试修复它们。 - 纹理包已经更新了一些新的对象类型的新纹理。一定要抓住它,通过单击脚本的材料设置中的链接,或通过点击这里:http : //tysonibele.com/Main/Building...exture_pack.rar 自上一个版本以来发生了一些变化,那个不是新功能: - 不再有选择为Windows创建空调。这可能是暂时的,将被添加到将来的版本。 - 现在,没有任何选项可以更改打开阳台设置的墙层中显示的阳台的百分比。这将是暂时的,直到我弄清楚我将如何实现一个随机/图案化的分布算法,像这样的 -Certain选项,如“随机化值”和“默认值”(在旧版本中可以找到)随机化所有建筑价值或重置它们)已被删除,因为通过新的墙/门层管理器实现类似的复杂性。这可能是暂时的 反正...... 让我知道如果你有脚本的问题,否则....享受!并期待在将来版本中添加的新功能,因为我继续开发它。建议总是受欢迎的,我还有一个我打算添加的未来版本的列表,由你们在这个主题和其他人通过电子邮件发送给我。


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